Scandinavia and Russia Cruise

So this summer we're going to visit the Scandinavian countries with a side trip to St. Petersburg in Russia. I originally wrote we're "vacationing in the Scandinavian countries...." but it's all a big vacation at this point. It's only a matter of where now.

It's a land and sea trip: three days on land, then seven days at sea on a short cruise and then eight more days on land.

First stop - Copenhagen, Denmark.

Next we're on a a seven day cruise aboard the Seabourn Quest with stops at Tallinn, Estonia, St. Petersburg, Russia, Helsinki, Finland and ending up in Stockholm, Sweden. We sailed with Seabourn last January on the Legend. This was our first ocean cruise and we enjoyed it a lot. The Legend had only 260 passengers and that was the appeal to us. The Quest carries almost double (460 ish) and it's a different trip.

After the cruise we have three nights in Stockholm, Sweden, then three nights in Oslo, Norway and finally two nights in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

As always we are leaving from Calgary International Airport YYC - here's a view of downtown. Kind of a murky, crappy day in Calgary - what else is new - Calgary may be a great place to do business and make a living but it's the shits for weather.

Terri deciding which one to drink - (she drank them both). One thing about travelling business class they start feeding you booze before you even leave the ground...truly amazing!!

One thing I like about flying east is all the clouds. They're truly amazing.

And I love flying over the great circle at this time of year because it doesn't get dark - it stays light all the way to Europe.

By the time we get to Hudson Bay we've consumed a lot of free (ha!) booze and I drift off for a nap.

I wake up and see the following two screens:

I immediately think that I've had a stroke while asleep and have been rendered unable to understand writing anymore. However, I soon realize that the writing is in Dutch (we are flying on a Dutch airplane after all) and that all is OK. I order another drink.

The clouds are truly amazing from up here.

Landing in Amsterdam,

Amsterdam is a wonderful city and we'll spend a couple days here at the end of our trip. Today,though, we're just connecting to a flight to Copenhagen the first city on our journey. We'll spend three days there before joining our cruise.

The following are links to pages with photos and additional words. If it's not underlined I haven't finished editing the page yet.

Copenhagen, Denmark

The Ship

Tallinn, Estonia

St. Petersburg, Russia

Helsinki, Finland

Stockholm, Sweden

Oslo, Norway

Amsterdam, Netherlands