
Oslo is the capitol of Norway.

Norway, our Lonely Planet guide book advises us, is one of the most expensive countries on Earth. And I believe it:

The bowl of soup shown below was $30.00 Canadian dollars and the beer was $15.00. Of course they don't use Canadian dollars in Norway but instead use the Norwegian Krone (NOK). So when you're looking a a menu and you see the soup is going to cost 190 NOK and the beer 85 it's like your paying with monopoly money - at any rate you have to eat and you have to have a beer so what can you do.

The soup was very good (fish soup) as was the beer. I found most local beers in the Scandinavian countries to be very good.

We took a trip on the hop on - hop off bus and saw this strange soccer match in progress - the players wear these bubbles on their upper body and when they run into each other they get knocked down and bounce all over the place. Very strange.

Another palace (we're getting tired of palaces by now)

Apparently the present royal family actually lives here. Didn't see them though.

The new opera house in Oslo.

Some of Oslo's newer buildings. They're building like mad here by the marina and it'll be a great place to live soon.

The view from our hotel room.

The Kon Tiki museum was interesting. For those who are not aware of the story of the Kon Tiki click here.

This is the original ship.

And this is the Ra - from a subsequent expedition.

Another Viking ship museum.

Terri the tourist.

One day we rented a car and went out in the country. We visited Lillehammer which was the site of the 1994 winter olympics. It also the setting of the fictional TV series Lilyhammer which is the main reason we wanted to visit.

As noted earlier this is a very expensive country - one day car rental was $300 CAD. UNREAL!

End of Norway. On the plane to Amsterdam tomorrow.