
The last two days we're spending in Amsterdam. We spent a few days here in 2012 before a river cruise down the Rhine but the weather didn't cooperate. This time it looks like two full days of sun.

First a canal cruise

Some fellow cruisers.

There are some truly fantastic houses along the canals

And plenty of house boats.

This guy has made trees out of wine bottles.

It is very beautiful on the canal. What a great place to live.

This is some sort of art gallery on the water.

And on the roof they have made a beach for sun tanning.

We got a great room this time - strangely enough the same room we had when we stayed here three years ago.

A beautiful day in one of Amsterdam's parks.

I took this shot from our hotel room looking down at party boat on the canal. What a great idea - except where are the bathrooms?

One thing you'll see a lot in Amsterdam is houses where the top protrudes outward - check out the black house below. Apparently this was intended to make the house look bigger and to also make it easier to lift material into the house using cranes. See next pic.

Just about all houses along the canals have these beams sticking out of the very top. REASON - all large items (furniture, fridge, stove, etc.) have to be brought into the house by lifting up with a crane to the window just below the beam.

The last operational windmill in Amsterdam.

These are the kettles in the original Heineken brewery in Amsterdam.

A street cafe - there's one of these on just about every corner where space allows. On a nice day like today they're all busy. The people here love sitting outside on a nice warm day and enjoying a refreshing Heineken beer - as do we also!

A final shot of a canal. The last day we were here was so nice and warm just about everyone who owned a boat had it on the water.

Thats it!