Summer Travel 2016

We took a five week European vacation this summer: A 12 day ocean cruise up the west side of Norway, eight days in Ireland, three days in Prague, Czech Republic a seven day river cruise from Nuremberg, Germany to Budapest, Hungary and then the final three days in Budapest.

It was a lot of travelling - the last time we were gone from home for this long was the early 80's on the camping trip from hell!

Last year we took a seven day cruise from Copenhagen to St. Petersburg, Russia with stops along the way. It was a lot of fun. The link to that cruise is here.

During that cruise we met some folks who had been on the ship for the previous two weeks on a cruise up the west side of Norway to visit the fiords. They raved about it so much that we decided to do the same tour (almost) this year.

The Norwegian fiords are certainly beautiful. They were created millions of years ago by glacial action and here is a link to a wikipedia page that provides more info.

There are over a thousand fiords in Norway and we visited about half a dozen. I suspect the ones we visited are some of the most scenic.

In the photo below the fiords are shown in blue and the names of the towns we visited are in black.

It's going to take a while adding all the pics to this blog. As I get around to adding more the additions will show up below. The stops will be added in correct order.

Ålborg, Denmark

Flam, Norway

Alesund, Norway

Molde, Norway

Geiranger, Norway

Olden, Norway

Bergen, Norway

Eidfiord, Norway

Stavanger, Norway

After our Norway cruise we spent eight days in Ireland. The first two days in Dublin just walking around and then the remainder in a rental car cruising around the south and west parts of the island.

In Ireland the cars drive on the opposite side of the road and the steering wheel is on the opposite side of the car. It took a bit of getting used to but after a couple days it felt as normal as driving in Canada.


The last part of our summer trip is a Prague to Budapest River Cruise