
Alesund is a funky little city quite a ways North.

Here's a link to Google maps that shows where it is.

That's our ship in the pic below.

Taken from wayyy up there. It was quite a hike.

The highlight in Alesund was the kayak trip we went on.

They made us put on "dry suits" as shown below. Totally covered in rubber from head to foot - all the heat stayed inside.

You board the kayaks right off the boat.

We kayaked across the inlet to Goat Island. There they had a small picnic set up for us.

On Goat Island we all peeled down the dry suits - my shirt was soaked with sweat. And no beer! Only champagne!

Clouds are returning.

The Mein Schiff 4 - a German cruiser

And our ship sitting peacefully in the water.