
Stavanger is quite far south in Norway and is our last stop on this leg of the trip.

Tomorrow will be a complete day at sea as we head for our final stop - Dover, England. A drinking day no doubt!

There is not much going on in this town (as usual) and we've opted out of any of the paid excursions. So we'll just stroll around and see what we can see.

Norway is a very rich country. They have a "rainy day fund", similar to Alberta's Heritage Fund, that's valued at close to a trillion dollars. The Heritage fund is worth about 18 billion at present. That's not chicken feed but it is a big difference.

Norway's riches come from the oil that is extracted in the North Sea and Stavanger is a very important town in the oil industry.

So we go to the local oil museum.

Some sort of underwater tool.

The museum contains some incredibly detailed models of the off-shore production platforms

The one below is called a gravity based structure. It's a huge chunk of cement supporting a drilling platform and sitting on the ocean floor. Wiki link here.

Another underwater diving tool

A couple shots of the harbour.

A nice park in town.

And that's about it for Stavanger!