Montreal to Boston Cruise

In January of this year we took our first ocean liner cruise. It was a 14 day cruise of the Caribbean and we stopped at many islands. We had such a good time that we decided to book another cruise while still on the January cruise.

As neither Terri or I had ever been farther east than Ottawa we decided to book the cruise starting in Montreal and ending 10 days later in Boston. This cruise was on the Seabourn Quest - the same ship we sailed on this past summer on the cruise we took to St. Petersburg, Russia.

The first cruise was on the Seabourn Legend which has since been sold to Windstar. The Legend had a maximum capacity of 260 guests and we really like the smallness of it. We met some nice folks and generally had a great time.

Montreal to Boston Cruise....

Never having been to Montreal we decided to spend a couple days there before starting the cruise.

Click here to see some shots of Montreal

At the end of day two we board our ship - The Seabourn Quest

Our first stop was a two night stay in Quebec City.

Down the river we go to Saguenay.

After an exciting night on the St. Lawrence River we arrive in Baie-Comeau.

Last day in Quebec we visit the Gaspé Peninsula

Next stop...Charlottetown, PEI...except we didn't get there. Well we actually got there we just didn't get off the ship there. It was a windy day and the captain of the ship (little sissy) decided it was too dangerous to try to park the ship. So I guess we'll have to fly there some time in the future.

Our last day on the Canadian part of the cruise was Halifax.

Our very last day on the ship was in the state of Maine in the town of Bar Harbor.

So we disembarked the ship about 9 AM October 1st at the Boston seaport. Luckily our room at the hotel was ready.

We only spent one day in Boston - the day we got there - the next day we picked up the rental car and toured the surrounding countryside.

After Boston we're just going to drive around and see the countryside. A couple days here and a day or two there. Ultimate destination is Terri's mom and dad's place in London, Ontario where we go each year for Thanksgiving. If it wasn't for that trip I wouldn't get no turkey and stuffin'.

So what follows this link is just a bunch of pictures and a few words.

If you got this far send me an email .