
Baie-Comeau is also located in a remote and very rugged part of the province.

It's a place you hear about every once in a while - kind of like Saguenay (last stop) and Gaspe (next stop).

There is a brand new port where our ship was able to park (is that what they call it when a ship ties up to the dock?) and apparently tourism is becoming a big thing in this town.

Check out the size of this ship. This is the same Baie-Comeau we were parked at. I've no idea what they would have done with the thousands of people who were on this ship.

Again there were a few excursions offered but the one that interested us was a trip to a hydro-electic generating plant. On the bus we went through the trees and over the hills.

They wouldn't let us take any photos inside the plant but it was very interesting...a massive cement structure with huge rotating equipment.

This is a shot of one of the turbines that spins as the water falls down on it which then turns the shaft which spins the parts of the generator to make electricity.

And to add some scale...

See an explanation here of how it all works. All very interesting.

A shot of the damn that I took...

And one I stole from the internet.

Terri the tourist.

I think she was talking a picture of this derelict vessel out on the bay. Apparently the owner has gone bankrupt and cannot afford to dock it or move it back home so there it sits.

We were told there are a few people left aboard looking after the ship until the owner can raise some money to deal with it. Sucks to be them I bet. Hopefully they don't run out of terlet pepper.