Yangon Again!!!

I think by now (we'd been away about 58 days by this time) we were really looking forward to going home.  The smoky atmosphere hadn't bothered me, maybe having smoked cigarettes for close to 40 years helped, but it was really bothering some of our group - Terri included.

We'd had some fun and met some old friends and made some new friends but it was time to go home.

We saw a slightly different side of Yangon this time - we had a different hotel and while it was excellent, as all Scenic accommodations are, it was located more in "old" Yangon.

These are typical Yangon apartment buildings. And check out all the wires. It reminded me of Viet Nam.

This is what you get when you have to add plumbing after the building is built. Cute!

On our last full day in Myanmar we went to another temple - the biggest one apparently.  And they had a REALLLy big Buddha there.

And he's got messages on his feet. No idea what they are though.

And here's the rules we had to follow. Most of them seem to apply to women

So just a bunch of pictures from the temple.

It was very crowded. People here just love this Buddha stuff.

And the last night they took us to a so-called "famous" hotel for a "special" meal.

It was not special.

I can't recall what they fed us but I do recall that they served us wine produced in Myanmar - and only 2 glasses each. Just as well - it was crap. And we had to sit at two separate tables. It could have been better.

That's it for our trip to Myanmar.