
We hiked the Whitewater Preserve today - the Canyon View Loop. There are many trails accessible from this place and some of them go a long way.

Our hike was only about three miles with a elevation change of about 600 feet. The way up was pretty easy - lots of switchbacks.

The rock below at the start of the trail shows some of the destinations.


If it looks like there was water running down there recently...there was. Lst week there was a pretty good rain fall that brought some needed moisture.

Terri figuring out just where the hell are we?

See if you can see the zig-zag of the path going upward.

It's a bit easier to see the path from this angle.

Below is the parking / picnic are where we started our hike. The little black spot pretty much in the middle of the pcture is my sissy car. Zoom in.

Stopping for a water break.

A nice picnic site at the end of the hike.

And our reward.