Wadi Rum

After Petra our next stop was a place called Wadi Rum. It is located in South Jordan very near the Red Sea. Quite a few movies have been filmed in this area as the scenery is so "Mars like".  Movies like Prometheus, The Martian, some of the Star Wars movies, Lawrence of Arabia.  It is truly bizarre territory.

We stayed in the Martian Domes.

Here's a link that will save me from explaining it. It's exactly the place we stayed at.

Leaving Petra in the morning our bus pulled over to give us one last look at the fantastic scenery. Below is a panorama shot.

The scenery on the way to Wadi Rum is bleak but beautiful.

We left Petra mid morning and arrived at Wadi Rum in time for lunch. The meal was mediocre and there was no beer or wine.

The six Aussies below stuck together the entire trip. The three couples had previously not known each other but after meeting up in Egypt they had each and every meal together.  Most peculiar.

After lunch we all piled into the back of these pickup trucks and we drove around the desert.

This was one of the truck drivers.  All the guys looked like this guy...long hair and a dress.

A bunch of shots from our drive through the desert.

There must have been an option for a camel ride but it wasn't offered to us. Just as well because we wouldn't have done it anyway.  Been there..done that!

These are the Martian domes we got to stayed in.

They were much nicer than the "tents" that other group stayed in. We had large windows while the tents didn't.

These are the tents. They have only a very tiny window.

A small place but everything we needed.

You certainly want air conditioning in this place.

A decent bathroom.

In early evening we all went to the desert for what they call a "sundowner"..having drinks and snacks as the sun is setting.