San Tut Rin

We went to San Diego last weekend to see the King Tut exhibition at the San Diego Museum of Natural History. I've always been interested in Egypt and Pharohs and mummies and as the weather is getting real hot here we thought we'd get a cool down. Forget it - San Diego set a record for heat the day we were there - 90 degrees F. Good thing there was some cold and refreshing cervesas.

Terri got us a great deal at the Marriot Marina. 28th floor. $50.00 per night. We had to use all our Marriot points mind you. No idea what the room would be worth normally...a lot more I'm sure.

View from our room.

View looking straight down into the pool.

Lots of fantastic yachts and ships parked at the marina as one would expect.

Here's the one I just about bought.

The M5 - which used to be called the Mirabella V - it's the largest single mast sailing yacht in the world. The distance from the top of the mast to the water almost 300 feet.

This is a reproduction of the Rosetta Stone. You remember the Rosetta Stone from high school - right!!??

Before the discovery of the Rosetta Stone no one could read the Egyptian hieroglyphics which is what the old Egyptian dudes used as writing. The Rosetta Stone has nothing to do with King Tut except without it no one would have been able to tell that they had, in fact, discovered the burial chamber of King Tut. So it's kind of important.

Tut was mummified, which is an interesting process, and placed inside four solid gold coffins. The picture just below shows the largest - all gold. Inside it was the next largest with lots of blue inlay.

These two coffins were then found inside the blue one from above. The one at the top of the picture contained the actual mummy.

Here's an interesting page on the coffins.

The internal organs, which we're very important for the king in his afterlife, we're kept in the structure shown below.

Tut's throne.

His chariot.

And his burial mask.

After seeing Tut we drove to aa casino north of San Diego and saw a concert by Ringo Starr and his All Star Band...what a hoot!

Ringo's drum kit.

We had pretty good (scalper) seats but my phone is just not up to the task of taking good pictures in low light.

That's Gregg Rolie on the left and Steve Lukather in the middle. Gregg was the original keyboard player and vocalist with Santana. Steve is the guitarist and a vocalist with Toto. They both did some of their hits.

Also in the was Todd Rundgren, Richard Page, a guy from Mister Mister, an extra drummer, Greg Bisonette - who really did all the heavy lifting "drum wise", and Warren Ham, a multi instrumentalist / vocalist.

And of course Ringo. The f$#ker will be 75 years old this year. I don't know what his secret is but he sure seems in good shape.

A great show.