Trujillo (Salaverry), Peru

Another lovely port, Salaverry, which is the port of Trujillo. At least the excursions today are somewhat interesting.

On the way to the first excursion.

And yes, that is a big black dog living on the roof of someone's house. And yes, all the black blobs are exactly what you think they are.

The first excursion is to a place called Huaca de La Luna - The Temple of the Moon. The Huaca Del Sol - The Temple of the Sun is also there but we didn't go in it as there is nothing to see. Apparently the Spanish took everything when they conquered this area.

This mound is The Temple of the Moon.

And this lump is The Temple of the Sun.

The temple is built entirely of the mud bricks shown below. Every 100 years the temple was filled in and a new temple built on top of the old one. There were (I think) six different levels to the temple as we saw it.

This is their god I think. This thing was everywhere.

It was explained to us that they had human sacrifices from time to time. It would typically be the tallest, strongest and best looking that were sacrificed. It explains why the people here look like they do now I guess.

After the temple we went to Trujillo for lunch.  It was a pretty decent lunch as well.

And then after a walk along the beach.

To see the read boats that they use here for fishing.

This guy gave us a demonstration of how to paddle the boat.

And this guy (from our ship) gave us a demonstration of how to be an arrogant ass.

The hairless dogs were the most interesting part of the day.

After we went to another archaeological site: Chan Chan.

And finally another hairless dog at the Chan Chan parking lot enjoying a meal of garbage that someone couldn't be bothered getting into the garbage can.