Drinking and driving (and dining)

Edited Monday, August 7, 2017

So our new hobby is to drive somewhere (maybe have a hike or walk-around) and then have a nice lunch involving local wine or beer.

So far it's been once a week but I think we're going to ramp it up to a couple times a week - there are only so many weeks left of nice weather.

There are many many wineries and golf courses in Kelowna and surrounding areas north and south and we hope to visit them all before going back down south.

So I've changed this around so that newer entries are at the top.

Summerhill Winery

Sunset Bistro

August 7, 2017

This place is a five minute drive from our house. We had supper here before and it was OK - not outstanding - OK though. We thought we'd give it a try for lunch.

Pretty decent view. Smokey still though. They had a Hindu wedding here just before we arrived. I can't see where they slaughtered the sheep but I'm sure its somewhere nerarby.

Ballbinder and Jill. Just a guess. He looks like a Ballbinder though.

Ballbinder's pals were making a heck of a racket but luckily they left soon after we arrived.

This is the wine tasting area...they're doing a heck of a business.

The menu. Reasonable prices.

The wine list. Less expensive than the last place..that's for sure. We had the Syrah at $15.00 per glass. Pretty good. They even gave me a free glass because our food took so long.

We just split the pizza...pretty darn good it was. Goat cheese and vegetables.

The boozers

Grey Monk Winery

August 3, 2017

We tried to eat here before and there was no room in the parking lot and a huge buse was in the process of disgorging a pile of tourists. We went down the road to Arrow Leaf instead. So we decided to go back and see what the fuss was all about.

PLUS it was also recognized as one of the 100 best outdoor dining restaurants in Canada. Click here to see the article.

The exterior - doesn't look like much from here.

A nice view of the lake. It's still quite smoky.

The vineyard.

The restaurant itself isn't very fancy. More like a huge cafeteria. We'd initially made a reservation for 1:30 but changed it to 12:00. We arrived early (11:45) because traffic wasn't bad and it was already half full. By the time we left people were waiting to get a seat.

So here's the lunch menu. Not the cheapest place we've been to.

And the wine menu. Check out these prices. No beer or liquor at this place - only very expensive wine.

Here's what I got. Seafood salad. Four shrimp, two tiny scallops and a bunch of rabbit food. Not sure I'd order it again.

The two boozers.

Fitzgerald Family Vineyard

July 31, 2017

Today we were going to go on a small hike up to a waterfall and then have lunch at Fitz Bistro.

The waterfall...

....turned out to be closed


So it was too early for our lunch..we'd made a reservation for 1:00 PM so we just drove around a bit. Went to a campground and quickly remembered why we don't go camping anymore....

This is the lovely beach. That is smoke in the distance from all the forest fires we're having here in BC this summer. Double Bummer!!

So we went to lunch early and they found us a nice table with a pretty nice view of the vineyards and the lake...more smoke.

A pretty decent place...they actually serve beer here and cocktails and competitors wine - not something we've seen at other vineyard restaurants. The one thing they don't have is their own reds...only whites, sparkling and rose wines so I had a beer instead.

Their bar.

The menu was pretty good with reasonable prices. I had the Roasted Chicken salad...I've never eaten so many chick peas in one seating...christ.. the plate was full of them...and a bit of chicken and some other stuff. The table next to us had the salmon salad and that's what I'll have if/when we go back.

The bistro is ourdoors and they have umbrellas and a pergola to keep the sun off. It's so hot here this summer that you really can't be in the direct sunlight for too long .

Here's the two boozers...

Hillside Winery

July 4, 2017

Another "just go for a drive and find somewhere to eat" trip. This winery is east of Penticton and south of Naramata. About an hours drive from home. The highway is good all the way and it's a nice rod for the corvette with the top down...zoom zoom!

The view of the lake from the top deck.

The menu. Fairly reasonable prices. Portions were good. Food tasty.

The winers and diners. We always drink the winery wine when we go to these places. Some of them offer beer and cocktails but not all. I'm sure that none of them would offer any wine other than what they have produced.

The upper deck from the lower level.

The bill. No complaints about this place. Hopefully we'll return.

Tower Ranch Golf Course June 27, 2017

This was just a go for a drive and have lunch day - no scenery, no hiking.

A nice view of Kelowna and the lake

Beer today.

Quails Gate Winery June 20, 2017

We decided to do a little hike before or lunch. It wasn't very strenuous as my frigging leg is still preventing any serious uphill hiking. We found, what was actually, a mountain bike area and tramped around it for an hour or so.

A mountain bike jump.

Arrow Leaf June 12, 2017

Next week we went to Beaver Lake Resort thinking that a resort might have a place to eat - no luck. It was more like a campground with some cabins. A nice lake though. We may go up there and rent a motor boat sometime.

The road back to civilization.

So we ended going to the Arrowleaf Cellars for lunch. Not ritzy, not a big menu but pretty good.

A wee video.

Cedar Creek Winery June 5, 2017

Next week Cedar Creek Winery. This winery is about a 10 minute drive from where we live in Kelowna. It's so handy I'm sure we'll go back. Small portions and a bit pricey. Terri's portion was so small she had to order desert. At least she said that's why she wanted desert.

more to come...