The Ship...

Our ship was the Silver Galapagos. Part of the Silversea line the ship is much smaller than the normal Silversea ships with only 100 passengers and 75 crew.

On our cruise there were 98 passengers.

Here's a couple shots taken as we approach the ship for the first time.

We were in the first tender (Zodiac craft) to reach the ship and it was just at lunch time.

The moron in the picture above was travelling single - his girlfriend opted out at the last minute apparently. This guy new everything and even instructed our guides in the ways of tortoises and iguanas and sea lions. She made a good choice.

Here's the bar

And this is Emma the chef.

Every day she made a big batch of cold fish soup...ceviche. Always day octopus, then shrimp, next day lobster, etc. I had a bowl each and every day on the ship. Very yummy.

Every night a certain number of people were allowed to eat outdoors on the deck. You had to cook your own meal though (just the meat part). It came raw and they gave you a very hot stone on which you cooked it. You could have steak, lobster, fish, prawns, etc. We ate there three nights out of the seven we were on the ship.

The second night on board we were invited to eat with the captain. That's him on the right hand side between Terri and Marina. I'm sure he wasn't fussy about having dinner with strangers but he only got glassy eyed a few times.

Another shot of the main dining room.