This frigate bird followed our ship for a while after we set sail the first day.
They're a funny bird and they're much more graceful in flight than on land.
Here's another comical bird - the Nazca Booby.
Boobies, Boobies Everywhere
The Galapagos has three types of Boobies: Nazca Booby, Blue Footed Booby and the Red Footed Booby.
The shots below are of the Blue Footed variety.

This is the Red Footed Booby. The Red Footed Booby is the only one of the three that makes its nests in trees.
This one though has made it's nest on the ground. See the young booby chick in the nest.
A Nazca Booby chick
A full grown Nazca Booby
This is a Lava Heron. The guide was very surprised to see one as it is a nocturnal hunter.
The guide said he (the bird that is) was upset at our presence and let us know it by ruffling his feathers at us.
A mature frigate bird. They puff up their red breast to attract a mate but what this bird was unaware of was that mating season was long over. We saw a few like this.
A baby frigate bird.
We visited an island one day with a fairly large lagoon and one lonely Flamingo
Some sort of gull...don't recall the name.
An Albatross. The guides were very excited to find some of these birds.
The Albatross is very impressive bird. Wing spans up to 12 feet! They spend up to 90% of their life in the air.
A duck.
A pelican.
At the fish market