St. Pierre and Miquelon

The islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon have long been a destination I was interested in.

The fact that there were two French islands just off the coast of Newfoundland was somehow very intriguing.  

I must admit that I was a bit unimpressed at what I found.

Basically, they just looked like anywhere else except cars and trucks had French license plates.  Actually EU (European Union) plates. Like shown below.

I don't know what I was expecting...something a little "frencher" I guess. Maybe patisseries and boulangeries...?  I dunno.

I think I even saw a Home Depot.

Again, the excursions we're not that great so we had a two hour bus ride around the island.  Mildly interesting but a better guide would have been a huge improvement. The guy we had said stuff like "There's the ocean"  while pointing at the ocean...duh!

So just some pics.

They really like to paint their homes with bright colours.

They seem to like horses too. Our guide said they (the horses) are just for leisure riding.

Very nice scenery.

That's our ship, The Silver Cloud, in the distance.

They really do like bright coloured homes.

Anyway, I'm glad we didn't fly all this way just to visit St. Pierre and Miquelon - and we didn't even see Miquelon - it's the bigger island of the two but only has a very small population.

St. Pierre is easily reachable by ferry from St. John's and a day trip would be okay - just don't fly all the way from Western Canada.

That's it!