Louisbourg, Nova Scotia

Our stop at Louisbourg was all about the French fortress that was built there in the 18th century...starting in 1713 the French built a small settlement..aaahhh... just read about it here.

What they've done is to recreate the fortress as it looked back in the day..about 25% of it I believe. And they've done a pretty good job I'd say.

I think the building below was where the army was stationed.

There are many locals playing roles here and they're quite good at it.

This guy was our guide and he had on genuine clothing from the era.

I don't know who this guy was supposed to be... the village idiot perhaps?

And this gal pretended she was a servant girl working for a rich merchant.

Part of the excursion was a "genuine" meal...that is what the local people would have had for lunch (or dinner) back in the 1700's.  It was pretty crappy...although the beer wasn't too bad.

These are some of the "serving ladies"

And the gal in the picture below is chatting to our friend Gordon and she is just about to make an announcement to the entire group...

that she and Gordon have just gotten engaged...

Now remember - Gordon is going on 90 - what a good sport!

And likewise his wife Barbara seen below.  Both great folks!

Just a bunch more pics from the fortress...

A typical garden of the time.

And this old gal (who looks like a guy) showed us how to load and shoot a musket.

Here we got to taste some rum...apparently it was a huge business back then...bringing rum back from the Caribbean.  The rum was okay but I seemed to be the only one who drank the entire shot (and Terri's too).. what a bunch of sissies!

And that was pretty much it for Louisbourg.