Scenic Amber

Our ship was the Scenic Amber and she was a beauty. This ship was just built in 2016 so she was still very new.

This is a shot I snagged from the internet. The scenery is typical of river cruising in Europe.

Another one from the internet.

All along the Danube are "locks" - these are devices that allow the ship to go up or go down when the elevation of the river changes. The shot below shows the ship about 15 feet below the level of the river. I don't recall exactly where we were or even if we were going up or down but I suspect we were going down - to a lower river level. That glass house just behind Terri is where the ship's pilot sits and drives the ship.

The rooms on the ship are really quite nice. Decent sized beds, nice bathrooms. We didn't spend a lot of time in our room - we never do - there are so many other places on the ship to go and meet people and watch the scenery going by.

The dining room. Breakfast and lunch are buffet style but dinner is every night at 7:00 PM (which is kind of un-civilized) and is from a menu. The food is generally quite good.

The main lounge where a lot of drinking takes place. This is a shot on the last day as we're getting ready to disembark in Budapest.

I ended up having a drinking contest - with Jerry The Bad Man see next picture. We started at the beginning of the drink menu and the idea was to see who could drink everything in the menu. Christ it was six pages long! We never got past one before I threw in the towel. Below is a gin martini I had. First one ever and not too bad at all.

The guy right behind the blond gal in the middle of the picture is Jerry The Bad Man. He's holding up a beer. I found out after that he had some accident recently that affected his ability to taste things. - Basically he couldn't taste anything and that sure helped him in the contest.

Another drunken night. Some idiot started ordering Rusty Nails - drambui and scotch - the big guy at the right side of the pic couldn't get out of bed the next day. Oh well - you gotta have one of those nights once in a while.

The captain of the ship with a couple little gals.

All in all a very good time!