Santa Barbara

We spent two nights in Santa Barbara - Saturday and Sunday. A great little city...we plan to go back next fall.

We had a couple really great meals and both were in walking distance from where we stayed.

The view from our room has improved substantially...

This is what we see looking out our window..what I can't portray to you is all the traffic going by, the toilets flushing at 5:00 AM and idiots singing C&W tunes at 6:00 AM. I can certainly understand why these Yankees love their guns so much... there are just so may people who need killing!

A shot of the marina accross the street.

They have a great sea walk here..just a small portion of it ...

And a pelican we met here...

My new car...just kidding...although if I find one for sale in Calgary I'll be tempted to buy it. One sharp lookin car!!!