
The third day we were in Saguenay.

Saguenay is located in a very rugged part of Quebec. Beautiful scenery and not much more.

There were a few other excursions we could have done - we chose the Zodiac trip out into Sagenuay Fiord. We probably should have picked one of the other ones because all we did was go in a rubber boat out into the water, get cold and wet and then come back again.

At least they gave us warm coats to wear.

The surroundings are really quite beautiful so I guess it wasn't a complete waste of time and $$.

I don't know why but the water is totally black. I would have asked our guide but my face was frozen shut.

We saw this guy on the way out to the middle of the fiord - he wasn't there on our return. BSA maybe.

More black water.

If you look at the centre of the above photo and then a bit above and to the right you will see a little white thingy.

This is what you're looking at:

It's a statue of the Virgin Mary.. Some guy made it and dragged it up there about it here ('ll probably need to hit the TRANSLATE button) and more here

More cold, black water.

After the Zodiac trip we were bussed back to Saguenay...nothing to report...