Ryan Mountain Hike

Thursday we went out to the Joshua Tree National Park for a hike. Terri selected the Ryan Mountain hike. It is listed in our book as Moderate to Strenuous. I'd say it was mostly strenuous. We made it to the top though with only one stop for an energy bar.

This, apparently, is a Joshua Tree. Not much to write home about that's for sure. There are probably better specimens here.

This is a link to a website for the Ryan Mountain Trail. Much better pictures than mine.

Look at the third peak from the left.

A zoomed shot....there are people on top of the rock. How the heck did they get up there???

Our friend Bob whom we go hiking with sometimes. Bob's 69 but he blows us away on these hikes. A lifetime of no smoking and no drinking probably helps.

A couple shots from the top of Ryan Mountain. This is the second highest mountain in the park and although it's only about 1,000 feet above where we started from the view is pretty fantastic. The pictures will not do it justice...you'll just have to come here sometime and climb it yourself.

A video from the top.