Random Pics

This is the main boulveard coming into PGA West where we are living this winter.

The speed limit is 35 MPH but around quitting time (for the workers that is) it's a real race track.

Terri prepares to enter the fight against ebola.

We went to Ralph's a couple days ago and stocked up on wine. Wine is so cheap here you're tempted to have two bottles at supper instead of just one. So far we've been able to resist.

We also got stocked up on beer as we're hoping to see some punks again in the new year. All of these'll be gone by then but just like wine beer is so inexpensive here I'll get a bunch more. Heineken is typically about a dollar a bottle compared to $2.25 or more per bottle in Calgary.

A panorama shot take with my Samsung phone. Zoom in.

A shot of the same mountain range taken in normal mode.

A nice pond with some ducks.

The sun goes behind the mountains about 4 PM now. The temperature drops big time.

Hiking again tomorrow - hopefully we'll see some nice scenery.