
Here are just a bunch of pictures with some words.

This is the Powder Tower. Explanation here.

The one below is (I think) the King's Court Hotel

These are shots taken on the Old Town Square

The astronomical clock tower. This clock was built in 1410. It is the third oldest astronomical clock in the world and the only one still operational. More about it here.

A closer detail

An unidentified building.

The above shots were taken about 9 AM - by noon the place is so crowded you can hardly move.

Here's a link to a webcam in the Old Town Square - consider the time difference. It sometimes takes a while to start too.

Another shot of the Town Square

This is the tower that leads to the Charles Bridge.

For some reason there are many ornamental couples in Prague taking wedding pictures. The Charles Bridge is a very popular place for these pictures. These are people who were married some time ago - or are yet to be married - but they want their wedding day pictures taken in Prague. Our guide on this walking tour we're on explained it to us but I can't quite recall - it has something to do with a movie that was popular in the country these people are from.

The Church of Our Lady before Týn,

Right in the middle of the Old Town Prague is a park.

And in the park is a totally white peacock. I guess this is rare but not unknown. See here.

Another shot of the Powder Tower from the opposite side.

Day two in Prague:

We took an Uber up to the Prague Castle. We got there real early as it gets super crowded as the days wears on.

This is the Saint Vitus Cathedral. Very impressive. We couldn't go in until 12:00 noon - I think they were having a black mass in there that morning.

The shot above was copied from the internet. My camera does not have a wide enough lens to get the whole thing in one shot.

Same place - a couple different angles.

Although we couldn't go in the cathedral they did let us climb to the top (for a small fee of course).

A shot of the old town from the top. The Charles Bridge in the centre.


Looking down into the courtyard.

The crowds are starting to build.

This is still early in the day and it's nothing compared to what it'll be like in a couple hours. F&*k that - we're going back down the hill.

Back down by the river we find this private garden. They charge a small amount to visit.

And more ornamentals taking wedding pictures.

Looking toward Prague Castle.

There's a church that we need to go investigate

Inside the church we saw a few pix ago:

Probably one of the most ornate churches we visited.

Do you think these guys can't read

Or maybe they're just not paying attention.

Lunch break!

They make really good beer in Czech Republic

Next we find a replica of the Eiffel Tower

They only want a few dollars to climb to the top.

The Prague Castle and Cathedral in the distance

The Charles Bridge in the centre.

The sports arena.

Looking straight down.

That's it for Prague

Here's a late breaking thing: A link to another site about the Prague Castle.