Spring Training

Last week we went to Phoenix to watch a few spring training ball games. Christ!! have they got some traffic problems there!!

Here's some shots...

Some of the fans aren't really that interested. They're just here for the $10 beer, $4.00 peanuts and the opportunity to add 4,000 calories to the day in under three hours.

Some games we were quite low down - which I don't prefer.

I liked these seats better...except we had a whole family of idiots behind us that never shut up the entire game.

This was the largest stadium...13,000 people tonight. Home team Arizona Diamond Backs were playing and they lost!

A different night game.

A day game...hotter than hell...good thing they had beer!

We were siting on the patio of our motel on the last day waiting to go to the game and this little golden angel visited...just briefly tho'.

Golden Angel from fklassen on Vimeo.

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