Philae Temple

Philae Temple is on a different island from the one where it was originally located. When the Low Aswan Dam (shown below) was finished in 1902 the original island was flooded from time to time so it was decided to move the entire temple to higher ground.

The tops of trees sticking out of the water in the shot below are on the island where it was originally located.

Just a few shots.

Another shot of the pharaoh smiting his enemies. And all the faces obliterated.

One of our group pointed out that women back then only had one boob.

After visiting the temple we went to the quarry where obelisks, similar to the ones we've seen recently at Karnak and Istanbul,  were created.  In this quarry exists an obelisk under construction that was never completed because a crack formed on it.

The pointy end of the obelisk. You can see the huge crack that developed.

And a shot from the other end.

This guy is showing how they used the round stones to shape the obelisks. These guys all expect a little money when you take their picture. Tough way to make  living.

This was our last night on the river boat.

Adrian and Julie. Aussies and the only two smokers on the trip. They said they only smoke when they are on vacation.

Baked Alaska only with an Egyptian theme.
