Palamos, Spain

Today is our last full day on the ship. Tomorrow morning we will arrive in Barcelona and that will be it for this cruise. Then two days remaining in Barcelona.

Today we have chosen to do a bike ride. From the harbour to a small town called Pals which is about 20 km away. The bikes have a battery that helps when going uphill. They also have a 5 speed rear wheel but my bike only stays in one gear. I ask one of the guides for assistance as we're getting ready to go and he goes away to get some tools - another person grabs him for assistance and he promptly forgets all about me.  So it was a bit difficult on some of the hills even with the electric boost.

Mostly it's a pretty flat ride through the country.

That's Pals - typical hilltop town.

We get a few minutes of free time in Pals so guess what?  We find another beer we like.

A shot of Palamos from the ship when we get back from our bike ride. The weather is turning.

We were going to go to the beach, as we had the afternoon here, but the sky just got darker and darker.

It never did rain here though but in Barcelona it really came down.

So that's it for Palamos.