
So again we haven't gone too far...a couple hundred kms I suspect.

Today we are doing another wine tour..if you find something you like why not do it again (and again!).  No bike ride today though...just a bus trip to a couple vineyards to drink wine.

In Napier we're docked in another industrial harbour where they are loading thousands of logs destined to be turned into furniture in China and then brought back to New Zealand (and other places) and sold for reasonable profit.

Before our wine tour we did a pretty good walkabout and found ourselves in a park above the harbour.  The amount of logs leaving here for China is staggering.

These were taken later in the day from our ship.

Napier seems like a nice little town.  Lots of green and right on the ocean,  Probably worth another visit someday.

The beach is pretty deserted today.

The rest of the pics are from the wine tour part of the day.

It was a fun tour.

That's it for Napier.