We moved!

After complaining and bitching about Calgary weather for years we finally up and moved to Kelowna, BC.

We moved at the end of August and had only three weeks to get settled before we had to take off on a cruise from Montreal to Boston that we booked last January.

Here's a few pix of the new place.

The front

Here's a few of the interior

The main entry.

Upstairs living area


Master bedroom

Bath - check out the fancy tub - it'll likely never get used!

The walk-in closet - Terri will now need to buy more clothes and shoes to fill it up.

We have a huge 3 car garage.

The upper patio. There is another one below at ground level.

A view of the lake and city from the upper deck.

The back yard. Much work is required here!

We're getting a pool put in. The excavation is done - it'll be completed next spring.

Some of the critters in the park that we overlook.