Mount Nebo

Here's what Wikipedia says about Mount Nebo:

Mount Nebo is an elevated ridge of the Abarim in Jordan, approximately 710 metres (2,330 ft) above sea level. It is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as the place where Moses was granted a view of the Promised Land. The view from the summit provides a panorama of the land and, to the north, a more limited one of the valley of the River Jordan. The West Bank city of Jericho is usually visible from the summit, as is Jerusalem on a very clear day.

This is a Holy place for Christians.

The main image of this page is the view Moses supposedly saw of the Holy Land.

Hopefully it was a clearer day for him.

Here are some of the things we saw from our last stop on the way to Mount Nebo.

Yards full of garbage.

Streets full of garbage and weeds.

Garbage just thrown everywhere.  Amman was such a clean city but not so much in the country.

The shot below shows Moses's Spring, apparently where he struck a rock with his staff and water flowed out.  Considering how dry the surrounding area is there must be an underground spring.

A bedouin camp. No electricity, no plumbing, no internet...YIKES

After mount Nebo we stopped for a lunch of local food.  I tooks some shots of our group.

These are two new people who joined our group in Amman.  Every day they are first to the bus to grab the best seats at the front of the bus. Assholes! She seemed nice.m He seemed like a nob.

A truly mugly bunch!

With Scenic we all wear name tags.  It makes it easier to remember names.

This guy fixed Terri's sandal strap for $2.00

Our next stop was Petra and we went through some pretty dry countryside on the way there,
