Getting to Monte Carlo

Part of the fun of travelling is hanging around the airport before the flight - WRONG! It's not too bad though if you can hang out in one of the lounges.  Hanging out in the general concourse isn't really that much fun.

To get go Monte Carlo we have to fly from Kelowna to Calgary, then from Calgary to Amsterdam and then from Amsterdam to Nice, France.  And then a car trip to Monte Carlo. We flew KLM which we've flown many times before and they really are a top notch airline.

A shot of the lounge in Calgary. Pretty decent.

And a shot of the new terminal.  World class!!

Our plane has the nice seats again - the ones that fold down flat into a bed.

Flying east to Europe is always a pain in the ass though because it seems you always leave mid afternoon local time and arrive in Amsterdam or Frankfurt or Munich at about 9:00 AM European time which is actually just midnight Kelowna time. You try to sleep on the plane but it's almost impossible because  your body does not want to sleep. So on a trip like this we'll go a couple days in advance so we're not jet lagged when the cruise starts.

Terri is very excited to be going on another adventure!

And here's why I like flying KLM - the serve you Heineken beer - even before takeoff they bring you one.

Below is a short video of the plane taking off from Calgary Airport.

The route from Calgary to Amsterdam. I was hoping to see Iceland but was on the wrong side of the plane.

A shot above the clouds.

The Dutch countryside as we're approaching Amsterdam.

Flying over the French Riviera on the way into the Nice airport.

And we finally get to the hotel, Fairmont Monte Carlo