Mission Creek Preserve

We hiked the Mission Creek Preserve recently.

Wasn't the best hike we've been on but at least we got some exercise. It was a beautiful day - blue, cloudless sky and the temperature was perfect.

It was uphill most of the way so that made the return trip something to look forward to.

Some random pics.

The tree in the two shots below is just starting to turn colour and lose it's leaves,


A funky cactus growing on super dry ground, Zoom in.




Sometimes people (volunteers) mark the trail with rocks like below. Other times you have to guess the correct path to follow and it can result in some back tracking when you choose the wrong way.

Before you leave the house to go hiking you try to remember to bring all the things you will need; water, snake bite kit, some energy bars, etc, etc - and you try to remember to do all the things that will be difficult - not impossible - but difficult to do if you need to do them when you are way out in the desert.

Sometimes though you are not ready to do these things so you leave the house without doing them. Later in the hike you wish you could have done those things when you were still at your house.

That's why it is so nice to find a place like this where you never expected to find it.

Terri leads the way. I always end up going too fast if I lead and then get tuckered out.

A wee video: