
The page main picture is the entire city of Miami taken from the lighthouse at the south end of Bill Baggs State Park on Key Biscayne. The map below basically shows our time in Miami.  A trip to Little Havana,  a trip to Miami Beach, a trip to Key Biscayne. We really didn't do too much.  The small island circled in blue was where our hotel was located.  

This is our hotel. The Mandarin Oriental.  Top notch place.

The skyline of Miami is REALLY something. This is a shot from our hotel room.  I was blown away at how beautiful it is.

A bunch more shots of downtown taken from various locations near our hotel.

The little island we're on has a circular path all way around and each morning we went around once. About a mile.

A statue on the path.

We had two full days there and the first full day we went to an area of town called "Little Havana".  Miami is full of people from Cuba. We went there at mid day and to be honest it wasn't too exciting.  I'm sure at night it really gets hopping tho'.

I did find a great beer there...Presidente...from the Dominican Republic.

After that we Ubered (is that a word?) over to South Beach. If you look closely at the picture below you'll see there are a lot of men on the beach today. I suspect their wives had to work today and these men went to the beach with their best pals.

On one of our morning walks we met up with this guy...what a beauty!! As Steve Irwin used to say.

This is a shot of one of the beaches on Key Biscayne.

Taken from the top of here.

On the way to climb up the lighthouse we came upon this woman walking her baby in a carriage. Definitely the ugliest baby I've ever seen. Can't imagine what the father must have looked like.

And this racoon thought Terri was going to offer a treat when in fact all she was doing was removing a stone from her shoe.

A quiet bay where we went for lunch on Key Biscayne.

The pool area at our hotel.  We stopped there for a beer on our last day in Miami.

And here's a disturbing trend:  many eating and drinking places in Miami add a "service charge" - essentially a tip - to their bill and then ask you for more. Here we had two beer in the afternoon. The cost of the beers plus the 20% service charge was $20.64 and they still want another tip.  Screw 'em.

A few final shots of the Miami skyline taken from our ship, Seabourn Quest, in the evening as we are about to leave Miami and head across the Caribbean Sea to the Panama Canal.

The sun has just gone down.

Pretty much the same shot from our hotel room but a little farther out.

And from quite a way further out getting the entire city skyline. A little out of focus ...sorry.
