Beer Wars - March 2017

I haven't been to World Market in quite some time but today I bought a selection of new beers to try out - actually five new ones and one I already had and liked a lot. The new guys will have to put up a good fight to dethrone my favourite from before.

Below is the reigning champion.

Einstok Icelandic Pale Ale

And how apt considering we are going to be visiting Iceland in July of this year. I'm sure we (probably just me actually) will drink a few of these while there.

Ballast Point Brewing Company - Sculpin IPA

Drank this one today...March 21, 2017. Ballast Point Sculpin IPA. And it was pretty darn good. Made in USA - San Diego. 7.0 % alcohol so very tasty.

A SCULPIN is a type of fish - no idea what the connection is. The beer wasn't fishy.

I'm going to have to hurry up to get all the others drank because we're going home (back to Canada that is - this place ((our California house )) feels more like home than the new place in Kelowna) in less than three weeks.

Actually - it won't be such a big chore - I could probably do it in one day if I needed to.

Anderson Valley Hop Ottin' IPA

So it's a day later now, March 22, and I've just finished this one. It's not as good as the previous IPA. Can't say exactly what it is except I won't buy this one again but I will buy the Sculpin IPA in the future if I see it when I'm on a beer buying expedition.

Tap It Brewing Company - American Amber Ale

This is not a good beer. I suspect it's taste is similar to rat pee. A definite loser.

Vulcan Ale

Is that Spock?

Another big disappointment!

A beautiful coloured beer but not much taste. It claims to be an IPA but it isn't. It has a wee bit of IPA flavour but it's really more like monkey pee.

...the last one...

Abita Brewing - Wrought Iron IPA

This wasn't a bad beer but still not one I'd buy again. I'd say it came in third out of the six.

So the winner is still the Icelandic Pale Ale followed by the Ballast Point Sculpin IPA. The others were so far behind it makes no difference where they fall in the list.