Knox Mountain

We've been on a couple hikes since we got back.

The Knox Mountain hike was the first.

Knox Mountain is just north of downtown Kelowna so it's a very convenient hike. There were lots of people hiking it the day we were there. There are some pretty steep sections so it was a bit of a workout. And of course we never brought any water along - we left all our hiking gear in California. It's a good thing it wasn't a real hot day.

Here's a link to the park brochure.

About a 700 foot elevation gain so not too bad. Still having hip / leg issues so have to rest more than I would like. Getting physio now so hopefully can get this problem fixed.

Just some shots.

So here's a shot of downtown Kelowna. The messy looking bit on the right side is some sort of mill that's probably been there since the town began. Just image what that real estate is worth!


Another shot of the city from a bit further up.

At the top you get a great view of Okanagan Lake looking northward.

This group of people took the easy way up.

Terri the tourist.

A shot looking east.

On the way down (we took a different route) we came across this little marsh. Everything is very green here already.

And some more wild flowers.

A wee video.