
There are a lot of iguanas in the Galapagos. Big ones, small ones, land iguanas, marine iguanas, lots!

Below are five shot of a very handsome guy.

We were out on a hike one day and our guide picked a fruit off a cactus - these fruits are a favourite food of the iguana. The guide dropped the fruit where the iguana wasn't looking and just the sound and vibration the fruit made hitting the ground was enough to alert the little bugger that there was a snack to be had.

The iguanas and other creatures on the islands get along together well. You often see them in each other's company.

There are also lots of wee tiny lizards on the islands - I think they're called Lava Lizards.

The red head on the guy below (or maybe it's gal) indicates he (or she) is in the mood for some romance.

Likewise the red colouring on this marine iguana indicates the same thing.

Iguanas are cold blooded and to conserve heat they like to lay in the sun and they also like to lay in a great big pile of other iguanas.

The two iguanas in the shot below are both males and they're about to have a rumble.

Iguanas main source of food is the prickly pear cactus - shown below. You can see that the cactus below has fed a few iguanas. The iguana in the picture appears to be deciding which part of the cactus he would like to eat and perhaps he's wishing he had a ladder.

A marine iguana swimming.