Hong Kong Day 1

A view of Hong Kong Island from Kowloon. Too bad the weather was so hazy. Apparently we were lucky though our - guide told us it had rained for three days before we arrived.


Our guide took us to the top of Victoria Peak which is the highest point on Hong Kong Island. Many super rich people live here.

Hong Kong has a population of around 7 million. Just about everyone lives in an apartment. We saw very few free standing houses in Hong Kong but there were quite a few on Victoria Peak.

A couple views of the skyscrapers from Victoria Peak. The sheer volume and size are truly amazing.



And another bunch of skyscrapers on the back side of the island.


Some of the skyscrapers seen from street level.



Here's a couple buildings under construction (or renovation). Check out the scaffolding...it's made of bamboo poles.



One thing Hong Kong is known for is its public transportation system. From electric trams to super modern and clean subways it all works very efficiently. Our guide took us on the subway many times and taught us how to use it. By our third day we were able to use it with no help at all.


Inside a subway car. At certain times of day they get very busy. Luckily everyone showers and uses deodorant every day.


Next we went to the local market.


Not exactly sure what these are...they sure are yummy though (not!)



...don't like the chicken cuts in your butcher shop....buy a live one, take it home, kill it and butcher it yourself.


Our guide said that Chinese people eat the whole animal - nothing is wasted and some of the shots below can attest to that. I couldn't even figure out what some of the parts were.




That afternoon, after a huge dim sum lunch and great local draft beer, we go to the beach at Repulse Bay. It's a bit deserted today as it's early in the season and the weather is not real warm. It's a huge beach and on a hot summer day it'll be packed.


This is one of the many gods that the Chinese worship. It's some sort of Buddha...we were shown so many I couldn't keep them straight.



And when they built this building they had to put the hole in the middle because there's a dragon that lives on the hill behind the building and if the dragon lost his view of the ocean he would get very upset.


The Chinese are a very superstitious people. I honestly don't know if they believe all the nonsense.

After dark we walk to the water and watch the light show that takes place every evening.


Thats it for day 1,