Hiking the Bump and Grind Trail

So we went hiking again today (Wednesday). We'll probably go every Wednesday as that's the day the cleaners come. Except they came yesterday because they got mixed up. We kinda wondered what the f%%% happened to the bathroom towels when we got back from our daily out-n-about. I mean I'd heard about perverts breaking in and stealing your underwear (WTF do they do with your underwear when they steal it???) but not your bath towels! Seriously bad perverts! Anyway.. they (the cleaners - not the perverts) showed up shortly after we got home and said they'd gotten confused about the date and that our towels were in the washing machine.

Anyway...the hike... the Bump and Grind Trail is in Rancho Mirage. It was strenous and we never did get to the top. We'll try it again when we're better prepared. Problem was I ran out of energy so we turned back. We had a pretty small breakfast (2 slices low carb toast for me) and never realized that the f&&&ing trail is pretty well straight up ...well not really ... but a huge upward slog. We met a lot of old people (older than me) coming down and I can only assume they got up there by helicopter (or teleportation). Or maybe they've been doing this for years and never smoked and never drank and never ...well you get the idea..

A lnk to a web page about the hike:


This shows the start of the trail from the street where we parked. The zig-zag going up the hill. Believe me... this was the easy part.

Terri's birthday present - a water bottle fanny pack.... don't tell her it's her birthday present though ...I want it to be a surprise.

A couple more shots of the up-hill path.

A shot of a beautiful golf course on the way up.

A couple YouTube videos:



We will return to the Bump and Grind Trail and we'll make it all the way to the top next time.