Hiking to Pushwalla and Horseshoe Oases

Another hike today (Jan 25th).

Pushwalla Palms Trail and Horsehoe Palms Trail


The link above is a bunch of pics much better than mine. She probably used a real camera where mine are just from my iPhone.

The start of the trail. It was a two hour round trip and not too many stops eaither.

Start of the trail

This was the way up. It doesn't look like much of an increase in elevation but it was. Not like the Bump n Grind tho'.

The shot below and the ones following are of the Horseshoe Oasis. The trail to the Pushwalla Oasis was closed. Can't seem to find out why.

This is a shot looking back at the path we came from. Palm Springs lies at the bottom of the large mountain right in the middle of the picture.

This is a shot looking south - we live behind a small mountain on the left hand side - not the far left hand side but to the left.

After climbing to the top we climbed all the way to the bottom which meant to get back to where we started we had to climb up agai. Kinda like..what goes up ...must come down - only in reverse.

Terri the hiker

Back at home rinsing feet and enjoying a refreshing beverage.

Some YouTube vids:




Some TripAdvisor shots:
