
Gozo is an island in the Maltese archipelago. It is part of Malta which is a stand-alone country.

We'd heard of Malta and we'd met people from Malta on previous trips but I must admit we didn't know much about it.  And we'd never even heard of Gozo

Possibly worth a return trip one day.

Today we took another Seabourn excursion - a round the island trip in a tiny 4 X 4. We were with another couple from Belgium. Nice folks.

As usual the tour involves a visit to a church. That's it below.

Very intricate carvings.

Next is a trip to the town of Xlendi. A funky little town with a beach that comes right into town.

Next a visit to the Citadel of Victoria.

This shot scooped from the internet and courtesy of Petr Pelikan

A view from atop the citadel.

And another.

They're having a festival tomorrow and all the decorations are out already.

Every building on the island is made of stone and what's shown below is one of the quarries where they get the stone

The machine that cuts the blocks.

My hand on a block to show the size. Each block weighs about 60 kilograms.

Next a trip to a very scenic part of the island - Dwejra Bay

This is called Fungus Rock.

Here are some additional Google pics of Dewrja Bay.

Another trip to a church.

A trip to some salt flats. They flood these with sea water and then wait for he water to evaporate and then harvest the salt. They've been doing this for thousands of years.

A little house built into the rock to store salt.

A very popular beach.

And finally a couple shots back toward the port where we started from.