June 30

On June 30th we drove from Toulouse to the town of Pau (pronounced PO) in Southern France. We're staying three nights here so it'll be nice not having to move for a while.

Pau is very close to Spain and also very close to the Atlantic Ocean. We'll see some neat stuff I'm sure.

We had a great trip getting here - lots of scenery.

We stopped at a small town called Tarascon for lunch before visiting the Grotte de Niaux (Cave at Niaux). The Grotte de Niaux is a series of caves that were visted by ancient people (13 - 14,000) years ago who made drawings inside the caves.

The church in Tarascon. It doesn't look like much either on the ouside or the inside but it just feels really old.

The water flows through town at a fairly good rate.

On the way up to the caves we came upon this old castle.

A shot of the valley from near the cave.

You weren't allowed to take pictures in the cave so I scooped these from the Grotte de Niaux website

We have our coats and long pants on because it's chilly in the cave. 12 degr C.

After the cave we drove the rest of the way to Pau. On the way we saw these kite flyers.

We travelled through the Pyrenees Mountains and the scennery is quite spectacular

Our hotle in Pau. It looks kind of funny but the rooms are nice.

A shot of a church across the street from the hotel.