June 27

We left Calvi kind of late in the morning. I'm not saying we slept in but the sun was high in the sky when we left.

Nice marina in Calvi.

And some nice views along the way to Ajaccio.

We came upon these friendly guys on the highway.

We stopped at this rocky beach because there was a restaurant there. Due to a language problem we were unable to come to an agreement with the maitre'd regarding where we would like to sit so we (I really) just said f#&k it (en Anglais of course) and we went looking for another place to eat where they weren't so worried about are we there to drink or are we there to eat or are we there to drink and eat. The place was empty and I can understand why.

So we found another place that looked pretty good but they had (what I assume) was a private party scheduled. They had one table, for about a dozen people, set up and all the rest were bare. As it was just noon now we asked...ouvert? Which means are you open when you say it with the question mark in your voice. The guy mumbled something en francais and offered, what I assume, was an appology that they would not be able to serve us. Considering the previous experience I just kind of waved my hands at the guy like to say "piss on it then" and we walked away. Well whatever gesture I used was the wrong one and boy did it piss him off. I thought we were going to have to make a run for it. Luckily the next place we stopped at was open and they were friendly and we were fed and watered.

We finally made it to Ajaccio.

A shot of one of the beaches from our room. Terri found us another nice place.

A shot of the pool from our room.

We went for a walk on the beach too. Lots of topless gals. Never got any pictures...that would be rude and I've been rude enough for one day by this point.