June 26

June 26 was a rainy day.

This is what we saw in the morning. A very black sky.

Our plan was to go north around what's called Cap Corse all the way around to our next stop...Calvi on the other side. You can see, in the map below, the road hugs the coastline just about all the way around and we expected some breath-taking scenery...well it rained all the way north and then eased off on the south part of the trip but needless to say we didn't really see what we were hoping for.

It was coming down so hard at times that we were worried about the road washing into the sea. It never happened though.

So. Not too many pictures taken of that part of the trip.

We did find this funky little village down a one lane road off of the main highway to have lunch.

This lighthouse would be a good place to work if you were totally anti-social.

We saw a couple of these black beaches along the way. And in case anyone is thinking these are sandy beaches...forget it! These are rock beaches. Small, smooth rocks but all grey and black.

The scenery in Corsica is beautiful.

We stopped for the day in a place called Calvi.

The hotel was out of town a bit. It was a nice hotel but a bit too pompous for our tastes. We were going to have dinner there but just looking at the menu gave me a mental breakdown so we went into town and split a pizza.

Here's a shot from our room looking toward the pool area:

And another shot looking towards the mountains.