June 25

Today we fly to Corsica.

Corsica is an island that used to belong to Italy...at least it used to belong to Genoa which became part of Italy. It's a long story... but it's kind of like the indians who sold Manhattan to the Dutch.

The island has a very Italian feel to it still. Lot's of town names sound Italian and many of the people still use a dialect that contains a lot of Italian sounding words..instead of the French bon jour (good day)thay say bon journee which is close to the Italian bon giorno...all meaning the same thing.

Anyway, it was still impossible for us to understand most of what they were saying wether or not they were speaking French, Italian or something in between.

Weather was ugly in Nice at 7 AM. Wind, rain - glad to be leaving.

Lots of huge clouds on the way to Corsica. Getting nervous about the weather there.

As it turns out the weather was fine the first day there. There had been storms but we missed them. Not so lucky the second day though.

Corsica is a very mountanous island, very rugged terrain. The mountains aren't as high as the Rockies but impressive none-the-less. Here's a few shots.

Here's a shot of the little shit-can car we're renting in Corsica. It's a Peugeot - pronounced Poo-Joe (I think) Not a bad shit can in reality.

On the way to our first night in Bastia we stopped for lunch in a town called Corte. We ordered a couple beer (as usual) and they brought these little baby bottles. They're less than 1/2 the volume of a normal beer. So we ended up having five.

Terri got us a nice hotel - here's a view from our room of the pool and the sea. There's nobody in the pool because it's a bit cool and it just rained.

A shot of the costline beyond the hotel.

So we go into town to check it out and it's a typical coastal village...the marina, the fort, frenchmen everywhere.

And this is a hint of what's in store for tomorrow.

Back to the hotel for a frightfully expensive dinner. Terri ate a big bug (lobster) that they sold by weight (something like 20 Euro / 100 grams) that when converted to Canadian dollars must have cost a hunnert bucks. Aiieie....minnie mental breakdown. Oh well you only go around once...n'est pas?

We had a nice view though from our table and that's worth something.

We ate inside as it was still a bit cool out there but the smokers (and there are a lot of them here) chose to sit out there in the fresh air.