June 24

So after all the walking yesterday we got back to the room very thirsty. Lucky us - there were two beer in the mini bar.

A couple frosty (not really) 1664s. They were cool but not cold - they tasted quite good nonethless. We drank them.

So I'm thinking that they will not be free - nothing's free in these hotels. I go searching around and I finally find the price list hidden in the mini bar. 12 Euros each!!! Holy sh!t Batman thats 12 Euros times 2 = 24 Euros times about 1.5 conversion rate = $36 Canadian dollars. !!!!! iiieeeaahhhh - I just about have a mental breakdown.

So we just go out and buy a 6 pack for 6 Euros and replace the two we drank and we keep replacing them until we leave. I hate being a cheap pr#ck but $36 for two beer is just wrong. Even with a topless waitress serving you it would be wrong.

So then we go on the Hop-on Hop-off bus with a bunch of other touristy types. First thing we see is little Mbutu - he can't believe his eyes...all them white folks looking down at him from top a big red dragon. He'll probably start a new religion based on it someday!

We see a bunch of other neat stuff as well...but let's face it - this ain't London or New York City. Entertaining though. A good way to spend an hour and a half.

One of the things we saw was this guy with a square head at the Museum Of Art. I can honestly say I know exactly how he feels. I left the people (at the bottom) in to provide a sense of scale.

We also saw lots of really fantastic buildings from the "Grand Epoch"...whatever T.F. that is. The tour guide kept referring to it so it must have been important.

We also saw this fellow in the main plaza...or "place" as the French refer to it.

Here's a close up of the poor guy...I think someone has broken off his pecker!!!

And here's Terri the Tourist...

On the way to the port (I'm looking for a yacht to buy...remember...?) we come across a fairly impressive memorial to the fallen soldiers of the First World War.

So we get to the port and I found my yacht..the Naia.

I'm about to pull out the cheque book but first I better do my homework..sh!t..its not for sale but I could lease it for about 500 thousand Euros a week..hmmm...better go to Plan "B" I guess

Here's a link to the Naia spec sheet.


So later in the evening after supper we stopped by and watched some young people enjoying themselves.

Warning - there is nudity involved here - male and female - no prudes allowed:

One of the great things about vacatioining in Europe is the neat things you can eat. Check out the middle item below...

They really light the main drag up here at night too! Apparently they have a carnival to rival that one in RIO

The exterior of our hotel. Hotel Le Negresco..tres expensif.