June 22

We're at the Calgary Airport getting ready to fly away.

We're going with KLM Airlines this time and we watched the plane arrive just a few minutes ago.

The tickets Terri bought included access to the Lounge. Free drinks, snacks, etc. and a wonderful view of downtown Calgary.

Calgary is REALLY starting to look like a REAL city. With all the sky-scrapers and highway congestion! Calgary has hit the big time I think.

This is a shot of the inside of the lounge.

There was a self serve bar that we took advantage of I'll tell ya! There were also quite a few airline personell camped out in the lounge waiting to take off. I didn't see any drinking though.

The flight was great too. We somehow got into the first class section. Go figure !?! Fully reclining seats, all you can drink booze, semi-decent meals, semi-attractive stewardesses (ya ya ya - I know they're not called stewardesses any more - I just can't recall what they're supposed to be called now). Anyway, very proficient gals. I think the Dutch are a very organized and proficient bunch so it stands to reason that their stewardesses would be too.

Free champagne on boarding:

And free flowing wine until the shades went down:

I wanted to leave the window shades open and watch as we went over Greenland and Iceland but one mean stewardess made every one close their shades saying that the sun would be up all night and it would be too hard to sleep with all the sunlight blasting into the plane - well she actually never said blasting - but she wanted those suckers closed. Considering that this was now about 7:00 PM Calary time I was not ready for sleep - and never really did get ready for sleep. Might have got an hour or part of but who the hell can sleep at that time of day. As a result I'm really ready for sleep now but it's just going on 6:00 PM Nice time (that's Nice, France), which is about 9:00 AM Calgary time. If I sleep the whole next day will be shot and we're only here for one more day (in Nice that is).

We did fly over some pretty cool country before the shades came down. This is a shot of Hudson Bay. The white stuff is ice. I have a hunch it's still really cold down there.