July 7

Another gloomy day.

Last day before the boat trip starts.

View from our hotel window at 9 AM

We were planning to visit another Puy this morning
Puy de Dome but the weather was attrocious. We drove up there hoping for a miracle but it was not to be. Some on line pics.

Another stairway to nowhere..this was taken just in the parking lot of our hotel when we were leaving this morning. Maybe Pierre lured his belle-mère up there and then she hit her head and fell down and then Pierre did a little masonary work. Q'est que diddly quack?

It was such a shitty day we didn't even consider doing any more sight seeing after Puy de Dome. The rain kept coming down and ever time it seemed to be letting up and the sky getting lighter our stupid GPS would turn us in a different direction and the sky would be darker and the rain would be worse.

So ... not to many adventures today.
C'est la vie!

We did meet couple of geese in a small village that we're so contemptuos of us that they would only show us their back sides. Even when I spoke to them in their own language and threatened to harvest their meager livers for inclusion in the ever so (mysteriously) popular foie gras still did they ignore us.

Damn geese - they've having been hanging around the frenchmen too long and have picked up some of their habits.

Now having said that I must say that we've found everyone here in France to be very friendly and helpful to two persons who cannot speak their language. Seriously, we haven't had one case where anyone was rude to us or farted in our general direction.

However, having said that, some of the car drivers are a bit - rude is not the correct word - self centered perhaps. They drive over the centre as they go down the road. They drive across the centre even when going into a blind curve. You really have to watch when driving the curvy mountain roads and be ready to hit the brakes. Sometimes you'll meet one on a straight section and he's over the line. If you wait he'll get back on his own side. A couple times I gave them a bit of their own medicine a veered into their lanes as we were getting close. That shakes 'em up a bit. F$#kers!!!

The view from our room in Chalon-Sur-Saone. That's the railway station to the right.

And here's the other view.

We will be able to get fed tonight.

And the final view of the day is a new beer we found while walking around this rainy town.

Very tasty and very similar to the Leffe that we have grown to like. Now if anyone wants to try a Leffe they are available in Calgary. I know that for sure as I've bought a six pack in the past. Maybe just being in Europe makes them taste better.
Real Canadian Liquor Stores have them I think.

We're on the boat tomorrow and the inter-weeb connection could be slow so there may not be too many more updates until we hit Arles next Tuesday.

Email should still be functional though.