July 4

It's pissing down rain this morning.

Don't know how much fun it'll be today but we're here to see sh!t and by God we're going out to see some sh!t.

First stop - Sarlat la Caneda - a town that has maintained it's medieval neighbourhood. Very touristy and every second shop is either a restaurant or a foie gras shop. Apparently it's been used often in movies where the theme is olden days.

This is a shot taken by somebody else on a much sunnier day. I thank him for the shot whomever he (she) is.

Second stop was at a place called Rocamadour. Again a very toursity place but a very interesting one too. When we arrived it just pissed down on us and we scrambled to get out of the rain. It meant finding a place to have a beer and a bite.

I scooped this image from the inter-weeb because it was pissing down so had we couldn't get a decent shot from this angle.

We made a third stop today as the place was close by the second stop. A cave deep in the bowels of the earth called Gouffre de Padirac. This was very cool. You go down about 300 feet to the entrance and then you keep going down and down and down until you get in these little boats. Kind of felt like the "Journey To The Centre Of The Earth" movie by Jules Verne. Maybe he visted here or someplace like here.

Another theft from the web. They wouldn't let us take pictures once inside the main part of the cave so who knows how they got this one.

Click on all of the links above to go to Wikipedia pages where there's more info on each place.

My pics:



The start of a good lunch.

So in Rocamadour they have this huge sacred set of stairs that a lot of people have climbed for religious reasons. Jacques Cartier, who discovered Canada (although the f&%king indians were there way ahead of him - why doesn't anyone give credit to the f&%king indians for discovering anything) climbed up there in 1490 something..so we climbed up there too. No delusions about discovering anything though - we were just trying to burn off the calories we gained at lunch. Once apon a time one beer was enough at lunch - now the first one goes down so fast (and they have these little beers here) that you have to order a second one. Then you have to worry about all the extra calories and carbs and...WTF knows what else????

So we're climbing this thing and up and up and up we go and we finally make it to the top.

Fantastic views from up here.

After the top we go down and there is some sort of celebration. Bells ringing, choirs singing and the archers split the trees...not really but it was kind of like that.

So we saw all these people riding their bikes...way across the valley. People in town were singing and dancing and crying. For a second I thought it was the second coming except the weather was still shitty and WTF... couldn't he who is coming arrange for better weather ...??? So I ruled that out.

Then I thought maybe it's the Tour De France and they're coming right through this town.

So then we went down a bit and it became apparent that all my assumptions were incorrect...it was the annual ne me molester race. First 100 to finnish get a lifetime no molest me ticket. The rest well...c'est la vie. Padre was calling out the names of the non-winners and assigning them to their various torments.

Obvioulsy what I wrote above is pure bullshit and I appologize to anyone offended by it.