July 11

It's Friday, July 11 and it's a full day in Lyon.

Three more days to go on the boat.

We have, what's referred to as, a free day as we have not signed up for any of the optional tours. We will wander around the old town in the morning and then we'll go through the shopping district in the afternoon.

So this is the weather we get today.

It's a bit light so maybe it'll improve.

A public swimming pool in Lyon. There was nobody using it today. The towers with the UFO things on top are actually water storage tower. I sure as sh!t need to ask why the need to store water with the amount that comes down from the sky every day.

A monument to somebody.

And a sculpture that the people here like.

Terri makes a friend.

This photo explains the above picture

A set of stairs we found to climb. The Fench do not have the fun things to climb like the Italians.

This wall, at the top of the stairs we just climberd, was probably built in the first century AD. The Romans lived in Lyon in those days. There are many ruins here to be investigated but we never had the time.

A statue of Louis XIV

Behind these little doorways are Traboules which are somewhat secret passageways from one street to another. Often they will have a wee little courtyard in the middle. In the courtyard will be a circulat stairway which leads up to peoples apartments above. No elevators allowed.

This is one with a quite large courtyard. Most are not this large.

They have some fantastic buildings here in Lyon.

This is the opera house. The bit on top was added recently for modern opera while the original bottom section remains for traditional opera.

A fantastice fountain in one of the squares. THis fountain was cast by the same guy who cast the Statue of Liberty.

A selfie in front of the same fountain. I need a longer arm.

Another ancient church.

The pipe organ. I am always amazed at the size of these things.

This is a new museum (I think) under construction. A very space age looking building.

Back on the river and through another lock.