July 10


We will land in Lyon today aroud 1:00 PM and be here all the rest of today all all tomorrow.

Lyon is a big city. The tour guide we had this afternoon said the population was 1.5 million.

A couple shots of our room. It is tiny. Apart from two suites on the boat, which are 50% larger than our room, all the other rooms are the same size. It is way smaller than the room we had on the previous boat trip and I will not come on another river cruise with a room this small.

There is room for only one chair so if you want to watch some TV someone must sit on the bed. Not a big deal as we didn't come here to watch TV.

Just a shot of the riverside on the way to Lyon.

Some funky barges along the river in Lyon.

Some of the other river tour boats in Lyon. River cruising is huge here.

In the shot above you can see two boats parked side by side. There is not enough space to dock all the boats so this is how they have to park. Then the passengers from the outer boat have to cross through the reception area of the inner boat when they want to leave their boat,

After arriving in Lyon they paccked us into buses and we had a free tour of the city. When I say "free" I mean it was not what is called an "optional" tour which you pay quite dearly for. We've got a couple booked for toward the end of the boat trip.

The first stop on the free tour was the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière. A quite impressive church both inside and out.

A link to wiki page

The basilica is built on the highest spot of the city and there is a fantastic view of Lyon from up here. I bet on a sunny days it's even nicer.

Some shots of the interior of the church.

A shot of a bridge nearby where we are parked. They illuminate it at night and it's quite spectacular.